2011 Conference Proceedings (Dublin, IE)
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Europe’s Future: Citizenship in a Changing World Proceedings of the thirteenth Conference of the Children’s Identity and Citizenship in Europe Academic Network
Peter Cunningham and Fretwell, N. (eds.); Dublin, IE
You can access the papers by clicking on the title of your choice :
Fülöp, M. and Szarvas, H. – The cooperative competitive citizen
Szarvas, H. and Fülöp, M. – The missing culture of cooperation in Hungary: The business environment
Pressing, Z. and Fülöp, M. – Educating for competitiveness and entrepreneurship
Pratas, H. and Amado, N. – Citizenship in a changing world: What is missing in teachers’ competences?
Chistolini, S. – The meaning behind studying and the value of teaching in higher secondary school: A new commitment against early school-leaving
Koutselini, M. and Agathangelou, S. – The perceived and experienced curriculum in secondary schools in light of citizenship education: Similarities and differences between four European countries
Irisdottir Aldenmyr, S. – Life Skill Education and the challenge to care professionally
Condette, S. – Active citizenship education inn French everyday school life: issues and challenges
Chauvigné, C. and Étienne, R. – Approaches to citizenship and social education training: For inexperienced teachers and “conseillers principaux d’education”
Clavier, L. – Education for citizenship in upper secondary school and social network: Social contract versus technical contract
Rone, S. and Pembecioglu, N. – Sources of knowledge
Ross, A. – Developing the education strand in MIPEX
Davies, I. – Migrant education in the United Kingdom
Killeavy, M. – Migrant education in Ireland: The context and the reality
Zuzeviciute, V. – Migrant education: The Lithuanian case
Lestinen, L. – Migrant education: The case of Finland
Papoulia-Tzelepi, P. – Migrant education: The case of Greece
Sousa, F. – MIPEX results for Portugal: Great expectations?
Misiejuk, D. – Migrant Education: Eastern European policy findings, exemplified by Poland and Hungary
Ross, A. – Moving Borders, crossing boundaries: Young peoples’ identities in a time of change 2 – Central Europe: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia
Szabó, E., Lörinczi, J. and Secui, M. – “Am I European?” – The cognitive and emotional aspects of Hungarian and Romanian adolescents’ European identities
Plotka, I., Blumenau, N. and Jurisa, I. – Features of ethnic identity and social adaptation of Latvians working in England and Ireland
Goriup, J. – Father Ciril Božič’s role in the Slovene religious centre in Australia for the preservation of Slovene emigrants’ citizenship in a changing world
Liu, J. – Integrating Chinese children into Irish Primary School
Dimakos, I., Spinthourakis, J.-A. and Tasiopoulou, K. – Greek students’ attitudes towards their immigrant peers: Have their minds changed at all?
Vidnere, M. and Oļukalne, D. – Correlation between quality of life, social creativity and tolerance among students
Zuzeviciute, V. and Bagdonaite, G. – Educational implications: Complexity of learning in a multicultural environment
Chehlov, M., Chehlova, Z. and Korjuhina, J. – The development of multicultural identity among senior secondary school students in Latvia
Oprescu, F. and Oprescu, M. – A new cultural canon in a new multicultural world: Identity, diversity and multiculturalism between past and future in Romania’s Banat
Fortlouis Wood, L. – Relational accountability and transformational leadership: Implications for education and multicultural settings
Haav, K. – Implementing social scientific theories in curriculum and social (civic) studies: Experiences from Estonia for the future of Europe
Philippou, S. – Representations of ‘Europe’ in the Greek-Cypriot Social Studies secondary school curricula: Challenges and opportunities
Karakatsani, D., Pavlos, C. and Printezi, A. – Citizenship Education in Greece: Current situation and new dilemmas
Issa, T., Tuz, F. and Önder, A. – A holistic perspective to English language teaching in Europe: Language, culture and identity project
Balias, E., Dimiza, S., Diamantopoulou, A. and Kiprianos, P. – Teaching in pre-school education: Teachers’ values, views and attitudes towards the development of pupils’ democratic capabilities-behaviours
Muldoon, R. – Tertiary Enabling Education: Removing barriers to higher education
Avenel, C. – Feminization and democratization: The influence of occupation perceptions on orientation choices in medical studies
Atherton, G. and Okonkwo, J. – Understanding the students of tomorrow: How young people think and feel about higher education
Chistolini, S. – Teaching styles and school models: A survey among teachers in post-university training in Italy
Kolnik, K. – Citizenship as active participatory learning in the teaching of Geography
Welwert, G. and Svensson, I.-M. – Citizenship in a changing world: Studies of two different geographical areas
Pitsou, C., Koutiva, A. and Spinthourakis, J.-A. – Educating interculturally competent teachers: Citizenship in a global and local context
Lobanova-Shunina, T. and Shunin, Y. – Nanothinking as a concept of Citizenship Education for 21st Century Europe
Welge, R. – Making the most out of it? Chances and challenges of EU Citizenship Rights
Goriup, J. and Kolnik, K. – Citizenship and educational policies in defeating social inequalities
Cederberg, M. – Cross-community work in schools: reflections from a Malmö context
Davies, I., Hampden Thompson, G., Bramley, G., Jeffes, J., Lord, P., Tsouroufli, M. and Sundaram, V. – Creating citizenship communities
Kyridis, A., Vamvakidou, I. and Zagkos, C. – Greekk university students’s participation in national elections: Voting behavior and signs of political apathy and decreasing civic consciousness in the context of economic crisis in Greece
Lašek, J. and Vacek, P. – The level of civic attitudes in the Czech Republic
Chehlova, Z., Chehlov, M. and Korjuhina, J. – Forming of the system of socially significant values as the subjective basis of citizenship
Jurgena, I. and Mikainis, Z. – Promoting students’ participation in the multinational environment of Latvian institutions of Higher Education
Papadiamantaki, Y. and Karakatsani, D. – Teacher training for active citizenship
Golia, P., Vamvakidou, I., Spinthourakis, J.-A. and Altini, S. – Students’ attitudes towards the role of national celebrations/anniversaries in Greek primary schools
Rone, S. and Lidumaa, A. – TO-GATHER festivals in Europe: Youth stimulators for understanding multiple intelligence
Strle, M. – The role of institutions for deaf children and adolescents in the context of inclusive education
Andersson, I. and Zaleskiene, I. – Peace education and teacher training today in the context of yesterday: A comparative perspective between Finland, Lithuania and Sweden
Goriup, J. and Šoba, V. A. – Citizenship in combating students’ violence against teachers
Tereshchenko, A. and Araújo, H. C. – Migration and educational inclusion in Portugal: Ukranian immigrant children’s experiences of schooling and belonging
Lobanova-Shunina, T. and Shunin, Y. – The systemic approach to language acquisition as a way to European linguistic unity and lifelong learning
Watts, N. and Piening, A. – Communicating climate change and energy issues to children: The Schools at University for Climate and Energy – ‘SAUCE’ –programme
Bowden-Clissold, N. – Young children have a right to participate actively in shaping their own lives. In reality to what extent are their voices heard? A study in an early years setting
Kouidri, H. M. and Roland-Lévy, C. – Perceived interference between work and family life and adherence to gender stereotypes
Nunes, B. D. L. – The new communication technologies working to promote social inclusion: An action research project with unaccompanied migrant youth
Sebestyén, N. – Successful schooling as a way for immigrants to become successful citizens: Hungarian and Chinese concepts of learning